Globals Library 1.0
No Matches
Data Types List
Here are the data types with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CdataseqData structure to store time-sequence of real data
 MgaussquadratureModule for computation of 1d and tensorized 2d Gauss points
 Cabs_normAbstract type for the definition of the procedure for the evaluation of the norm of a vector
 Ccompute_normAbstract interface for the computation of the norm
 Cdir_normWeighted version of Euclian norm
 Ceuc_normEuclidean norm
 MscratchAuxiliary module to store an integer and real array used (typically as optional argument) as scratch in different code
 CtimedataData structure containing values of a variable possibly depending on time (e.g., forcing function)
 CtdoutData structure containing values of a variable possibly depending on time (e.g., forcing function)
 MtimingDefines vars and procs for cpu timing of code sections