logical function | globals::ioerr (lun, errno, call_proc, add_msg, add_int) |
| Handle and write alert I/O warnings and errors.
character(len=256) function | errmsg (errno, addmsg, addint) |
| Return message depending on input number.
character(len=len(strin)) function | globals::to_upper (strin) |
| Transform string to upper case.
character(len=len(strin)) function | globals::to_lower (strin) |
| Transform string to lowercase case.
character(len=len_trim(adjustl(strin))) function | globals::etb (strin) |
| Return string strin with no preceding and trailing spaces.
character(len=len_trim(adjustl(strin))) function | globals::erase_comment (strin) |
| Erase comments from a string.
real(kind=double) function, dimension(3) | globals::avg_vec3 (avg_type, veca, vecb, vecc) |
| Function that calculates vectors averages.
real(kind=double) function | globals::avg_scal (avg_type, a, b, c) |
| Function that calculates scalar averages.
real(kind=double) function, dimension(3) | globals::cross (veca, vecb) |
| Function that calculates cross-products.
subroutine | globals::isort (narray, array) |
| Simple sort algorithm to sort in increasing order an integer array. To be used only for small array. Use globals::global_heapsort for big arrays.
subroutine | globals::unique_of_sorted (n_elements, elements, nunique) |
| Given a sorted array, it is returned with the list of uniques elements in the first positions.
logical function | globals::lexicographic_order (n, a, b) |
| Check if the first array is in lexicographic order with respect to the second.
subroutine | globals::global_heapsort (n, indx, i, j, isgn) |
| global_heapsort
integer function | globals::ifind (narray, array, tobefound) |
| ifind
subroutine | globals::double_col_permute (m, n, p, a) |
| double_col_permute
subroutine | globals::integer_col_permute (m, n, p, a) |
| integer_col_permute
real(kind=double) function | globals::p_norm (ndata, power, data, weight) |
| Evaluates the weighted p-norm.
subroutine | globals::ortogonalize (dim, nvectors, vectors, x) |
| Procedure orthogonalizing a vector w.r.t. a a set of vectors.
subroutine | globals::orthogonal_projection (ndim, vector, normal, res_proj) |
| Procedure that computes the projection of a vector onto the plane orthogonal to another vector (normal )
subroutine | globals::fn_print (this, lun) |
| Info procedure for globals::file
character(len=len_trim(adjustl(str_file))) function | globals::get_dirname (str_file) |
subroutine | globals::fn_init (this, lun_err, fn, lun, io_flag, mandatory_input, folder, verbose, info) |
| Static constructor for globals::file
subroutine | globals::fn_kill (this, lun_err) |
| Static destructor for globals::file